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Application: Mail Web version

The email selection is used to specify the emails (one or more) that you want to perform some actions with (for example, move to another folder or delete).

Note: In the Flagged folder, you can select only one email.


Select one email

To select an email from the list of emails, use one of the following methods:

Left-click the avatar in the message mini-pane.

Select an email and press Ctrl+Space (the command allows you to both select and deselect the selected email).


Select read/unread/flagged emails

To select all read/unread/flagged emails on the open email list page, follow these steps:

1.Open the desired page in the list of emails and select any email on the page.

2.Open the drop-down menu on the workspace toolbar and select the desired option:




Select all emails

To select all emails on the current message list page, use one of the following methods:

Click the select_all_mails Select all messages button. All emails on the currently open email list page will be selected. The number to the right of the button will show the number of selected emails. The Select all messages button with the total number of emails in the current folder will appear on the screen.


When you click the Select all messages button, all emails on all pages of the email list of the active folder will be selected, and the Select all messages button will disappear.


Press Ctrl+A (this command both selects and deselects all emails from the open email list page).



Cancel the selection

To deselect a single email, use one of the following methods:

Left-click the avatar in the mini-pane of the selected email.

Select the selected email and press Ctrl+Space.

To deselect all emails on the current email list page, use one of the following methods:

Click the select_all_mails_active Select all messages button again.

Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A.

At the same time, emails on other pages of the email list will remain selected.

To deselect all emails in the current folder, open the drop-down menu and select the Remove selection command:





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Open an email in a new tab
Mark an email as read or unread