How can we help you?

These Technical Support Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) shall apply if You are provided with an appropriate level of technical support for the Product. These Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement available on the website of the Product's Rightholder.

The following capitalized terminology throughout these Terms and Conditions shall have the following meaning:

“You” or “End User” means any person (subject of civil law) to whom the appropriate level of technical support for the Product (Standard, Extended or Premium) is legally provided. If You are a legal entity or sole proprietor, each of Your employees is a user of the Product within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions. If You are a natural person (not a sole proprietor), You are a user of the Product within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions.
“Product” means a computer program lawfully used by You for which technical support is provided.
“Request” means a request for technical support submitted by an End User.


1. General Procedure for Interaction

1.1. Technical support for the Product includes:

1.1.1. Providing advice on the functionality of the Product.

1.1.2. Advising on theoretical issues of working with the Product.

1.1.3. Information assistance during the use of the Product.

1.1.4. Diagnostics of failures and bugs of the Product detected during its use.

1.1.5. Accepting suggestions on the development of the Product's functionality and on improving the ergonomics of its component interfaces.

1.1.6. Technical assistance in finding and eliminating the causes of failures and bugs related to the operation of the server part of the Product, including remotely, if there is appropriate access or in subsequent versions of the Product (for server Products only within the Extended and Premium levels of technical support).

1.1.7. Advising on the installation, updating and configuration of the Product, explaining the purpose of the settings and their effect on the operation of the Product (only within the Premium level of technical support).

1.1.8. Specialized consultations on data backup and recovery (only as part of the Premium level of technical support).

1.2. The technical support of the Product does not include:

1.2.1. Testing of the Product to check its functionality.

1.2.2. Fixing bugs and restoring lost data in case of Product damage caused by improper actions of the Product's user or hardware and system software failure.

1.2.3. Optimizing the program code of software components or modules of the Product.

1.2.4. Solving problems with network connection settings.

1.2.5. Explaining general programming issues.

1.2.6. Modifying specific program code of modules or components to solve individual business tasks (except when fixing bugs in the Product).

1.2.7. Advising on issues related to the methodology of the Product's technical specification development, modeling, model operation and integration of accounting and information storage systems with the Product, as well as on issues related to software products of other developers.

1.2.8. Setting up, consulting on the configuration of Your workstations and (or) mobile devices.

1.2.9. Setting up, consulting on functioning and operation of related server hardware and third-party software.

1.2.10. Installation, diagnostics, and configuration of third-party software.

1.2.11. Clarification and evaluation of the actions of third parties.

1.2.12. Product users training.

1.2.13. Issues related to security configuration when using the Product.

1.2.14. Consultation and support on interaction with Your infrastructure software systems (if such interaction is not an explicit feature of the Product).

1.2.15. Installing new versions and other updates of the Product.

1.3. If You need a technical support technician to come on-site, You are required to notify the technical support staff by contacting via email or phone immediately. If the technical support technician is available for the on-site visit, the terms of such visit, its cost, and payment procedure shall be specified on a separate basis.


2. Terms and Conditions for Providing Technical Support.

2.1. The procedure and timeframes for registration, processing, execution, and prioritization of Requests, submission of quantitative high-level reports on registered Requests, as well as reporting on execution of Requests with respect to the corresponding levels of technical support are specified in the table below and are specified in the text of these Terms and Conditions.

  Technical Support Level
Standard Extended Premium
Request Registration 24/7 24/7 24/7
Request Execution Time On business days
from 9 AM to 6 PM (GMT +3)
On business days
from 9 AM to 6 PM (GMT +3)
Maximum processing time* of the Request 5 working days from the date of registration Within the next business day after the day of registration 4 hours from the time of registration
Priority Request Processing**-++
Regular quantitative top-level reports on registered Requests*** -Upon request, weeklyUpon request, at least once a week
Regular reporting on execution of Requests****-Upon request, monthlyUpon request, at least once a month
Dedicated line--+
Personal Service Manager--+

* - As a result of processing, the Request, based on its subject matter, is assigned a certain category and such Request is sent for execution of which the End User is notified.

** - Requests within the Extended and Premium levels of technical support are processed in priority order, that is, ahead of Requests received within the Standard level of technical support.

*** - Standard report includes Request number, date of registration, subject, and contact information of the End User.

**** - Standard report includes Request number, date of registration, subject, contact information of the User, current status, and preliminary results.

2.2. The End User shall ensure that users of the Product follow the user guides for use of the Product. The End User shall be solely responsible for the actions of such users and/or third parties who fail to comply with the Product user guides.

2.3. The End User shall submit information and documentation necessary for the successful provision of technical support in a timely manner.

2.4. The responsibility to ensure that all copies of system software are legally obtained, as well as the software of other developers, rests entirely with the End User.

2.5. Technical support is provided only up to the number of users of the Product (or the number of devices on which the Product is installed upon licensing per device) as provided by the End User license(s) for such Product.


Procedure for Execution of Requests

3.1. Submission of Requests

3.1.1. Requests can be submitted in the following ways:

3.1.2. All Requests are registered with a unique number. Information about the number of the accepted Request after registration is automatically sent in response to the End User via email.

3.1.3. The Request shall contain the following information required for the registration and execution of the Request:

  • End User Name
  • Full name of the Product user who submitted the Request (the “Initiator”) and his/her contact information (phone number, email address)
  • Name and version of the Product
  • A detailed description of the question and/or problem, containing the following:
    a) A step-by-step description of the actions to be made to reproduce the error (if possible).
    b) How often the error occurs.
    c) Screenshots or graphic explanations.
    d) Platform data: operating system version, PC model, server model.

3.1.4. If You submit Your request by email, the letter size cannot be more than 4.6 MB. Recommended attachment formats: .(x)odt, .(x)ods, .jpeg, .png, .txt, .csv, .docx, .xlsx, .zip.


3.2. Request registration

3.2.1. As a result of the registration of the Request:

3.2.2. Information about the Request is entered into the Requests database.

3.2.3. The Request is assigned a unique identification number (Request number).

3.2.4. The Request Initiator is notified of the Request number.

3.2.5. If the provided information is insufficient and/or inaccurate, the Initiator of the Request is required to provide additional information. Failure to provide information may result in the Request being rejected.

3.2.6. The Request may also be rejected if the Request is submitted in violation of Cl. 1.1, 1.2, 2.3, 2.5, and 3.1 hereof, of which the Request Initiator shall be informed.


3.3. Result of Execution of Requests

3.3.1. The result of the execution of the Request is to provide the End User with the requested information or to provide information necessary for the resolution of the Request by phone or email. When the information is provided, the Request shall be deemed to have been executed.

3.3.2. No time limits are set for the execution of the Requests. It is guaranteed that the execution of Requests is carried out in a continuous mode until readiness.


3.4. Confirmation of Execution of Requests

3.4.1. The End User is entitled to provide a reasonable refusal to confirm the execution of the Request if the information provided is incomplete or inaccurate. After the End User provides justification for the incompleteness and inaccuracy of the information provided as a result of execution of the Request, the Request shall be resubmitted for execution.

3.4.2. In the absence of confirmation from the End User of the execution of the Request, as well as the End User’s failure to provide a reasonable refusal within ten (10) business days from the date of execution of the Request, or if such refusal is not reasonable, the Request shall be deemed to have been duly executed.


4. Notifications in the Process of Providing Technical Support

4.1. The End User is notified of changes in the status of the Request while being provided with technical support. These notifications are sent by email. The contents of the notifications at different stages of the technical support are shown in the table below:

No.Reason for NotificationContents of Notification
1Request rejectedMessage about rejection of the Request
2Request registeredRequest registration number
3Starting the execution of the RequestMessage about sending a Request for execution
4Execution of Request- Message about the execution of the Request
- Brief description of the results of the Request execution


5. Miscellaneous

5.1. The Rightholder of the Product is entitled to unilaterally introduce any changes to these Terms and Conditions. The new version of the Terms and Conditions is published at and shall become effective as of the date of its publication if not stated otherwise in the respective publication. Technical support is provided in accordance with the current (up-to-date) version of the Terms and Conditions published on the above website.

5.2. If technical support is provided to the End User under a separate agreement, these Terms and Conditions shall not apply.

5.3. This text is the English translation of the original Technical Support Terms and Conditions written in Russian language which can be found on In case of any discrepancies between Russian and English texts of the Technical Support Terms and Conditions the Russian text shall prevail.


Date of the current version of the Terms and Conditions: September 01, 2022