To forward a message, select it in the list and do one of the following:
•In the Menu Bar, select Message > Forward.
•In the message view area, click Forward this message.
•Open the context menu by right-clicking the message line and run the Forward command.
•Press Ctrl+L/ Cmd+L.
Further actions are performed similarly to actions when creating a new message. All attachments attached to the forwarded message are automatically forwarded to the specified recipients.
To forward a message as part of an email, select the message in the list, then do one of the following: •In the Menu Bar, select Message > Forward. •In the Menu Bar, select Message > Forward As > Inline. •Open the context menu of the message and select Forward. •Open the message context menu, and select Forward As > Inline. A new email will be created, containing the current email in text format. In the Subject line, the prefix "Fwd:" will be added to the subject of the original email. |
To send a message as an attachment, select the message in the list, then do one of the following: •In the Menu Bar, select Message > Forward As > Attachment. •Open the context menu of the message, and select Forward As > Attachment. A new email will be created and the current email in eml format will be attached to it. Prefix "Fwd:" will be added to the subject line of the original email. |
To forward a message to another user, select the message in the list, then do one of the following: •In the Menu Bar, select Message > Forward. •Open the context menu of the message and select Redirect. A new email will be created, containing a copy of the current email. Enter the recipient's name and send the email. |
To create a new message based on the current message, select the message in the list, then do one of the following: •In the Menu Bar, select Message > Edit As New Message. •Open the context menu of the message, select Edit As New Message. •Press Ctrl+E/ A full copy of the current message will be created. |