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Application: Documents Web version

You can delete a file or folder in one of the following ways:

On the Toolbar, click button_delete Delete.

Right-click the file or folder name and select the Delete command in the context menu.

Drag the file or folder to the Trash folder using the mouse.

Delete files or folders

1.Select one or multiple files or folders from the list by clicking their icons.

2.Use one of the methods to delete files or folders.

If you delete a file or folder to which another user has access, a dialog box will appear on the screen with a warning. Hold the cursor over  over the "owner" label to view additional information about the user or click Details in the pop‑up window to view information about the user in MyOffice Contacts application (when integrated with MyOffice Mail). Confirm that you still want to delete the element or cancel. When deleting multiple files/folders to which multiple users have access, the hyperlink to the information about the file owner will not appear.

When a file or folder is deleted:

They will disappear from the workspace and appear in the Trash folder (see Trash folder). Files and folders deleted from the Common folders section go to the Trash folder of the owner of those files/folders.

knpk_un_ac Recent operations button in the Toolbar becomes active.

Public link information (if any) and sharing settings (if any) will be deleted.

The recent operations list will display the information about the operation (successful or unsuccessful).

Recover deleted files or folders

To recover deleted files or folders (that is, restore them from the Trash folder), do the following:

1.Click knpk_un_ac Recent operations. The Sidebar will display the list of recent operations.

2.Place the cursor on the information about the deleted file or folder and click move_cancel Undo on the operation report or in the window with the detailed description of the operation.

In the list of recent operations, you will see a message that deleting the file or folder has been canceled and the deleted file or folder will be restored to the initial folder.

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Trash folder