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Application: Documents Web version

A template is a copy of a file with its formatting kept for the next files. Templates can be useful when you need to create similar documents containing slight differences as quickly as possible. This can be application forms, plans, orders, etc. You can work with templates in the same way you work with regular files.

Template-specific actions include:

Create a new file based on a template and open the newly created file in the respective editor.

Open a template for editing in the respective editor.

You cannot open a password-protected template or create a new file based on such template. To work with password-protected templates, delete the password and upload the template again.

Templates can have the following extensions:

.xott: For text file templates to be opened using MyOffice Text.

.xots: For spreadsheet templates to be opened using MyOffice Spreadsheet.

.xotp: For presentation templates to be opened using MyOffice Presentation.

Templates can be uploaded to MyOffice Documents from the external source the same way as all other types of files.

You can create a template using the appropriate file editor.

Open a template for editing

To open a template file, in the file list of your storage, right-click the line where the template is located to call the context menu and select the Open command.

The template file will open for editing in a new browser tab in the corresponding editor. Further actions with the file are performed in this editor.

Create a file from template

To create a file from a template, do one of the following:

In the list of files of your storage, right-click the line of the template that you want to use to open the contextual menu. Select the New from Template command.

In the list of files of your storage, left-click the line of the template that you want to use.

The template file will open for editing in a new browser tab of the same editor. The file will have the same name as the template. Further actions with the file are performed in this editor, including renaming the file for saving.

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