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You can save any open presentation as a template. A template is a copy of a document with saved formatting. Templates are useful when you want to reduce the time required to create several similar presentations with minor differences. The same steps apply to presentation templates as to regular files.

You can save the presentation you are working on as a template as follows:

1.Open a presentation.

2.In the File menu, select Save as template.

3.Enter the file name in the window that opens.

4.The Destination folder field displays the path towards the folder where the template is going to be saved. Click Change if you want to select another folder. You can select or create a new folder. For more details, see the procedure described in the Create a copy section.

5.To finish, click one of the following buttons:

Click Save to save the template in the specified folder.

Click Save and open to save the template and open it in a new browser tab.

Click Cancel to finish without saving the template.

Document templates can be uploaded to MyOffice Documents from an external source in the same way as other file types. When uploading presentation templates in a format other than the internal format (.pot, .potx, .ott), conversion to the internal .xotp format is available.

Unsupported formats: .docx, .odt, .xlsx, .ods, .pptx, .odp.
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