Once you have successfully logged in to MyOffice Private Cloud, you will be suggested to select the application you want to use. Use this page to access MyOffice Documents application.
The main navigation page displays the following elements:
•Application shortcuts
Additional applications can be added to the main navigation page of MyOffice software by the system administrator.
•Hyperlinks to open the Privacy Policy or Terms of Service page and information about the applications.
•Interface language selection button.
• Help button
This buttons allows to open menus to additional information and feedback.
Displays the user's initials or photo. When clicked, a window opens with brief information about the user, a button to display the user profile viewing and editing page, and a button to log out of the account. The window may also display a warning that the password is expiring. Click the warning to go to the password change page.
The top part of the window may contain the following elements:
•Notification that there are updates to the application.
You can find out more about the updates by clicking the Release Notes hyperlink on the notification (the release notes will open in a new web browser tab). The notification does not prevent from working with the application and will be displayed for 14 calendar days from the date of system update until the user reads the changes or closes the notification by clicking on it.
•Notification on changes in the system interface language
These changes are made by the user or MyOffice software administrator while a user is working in the application. For the changes to take effect, refresh the page.
•Warning about the expiration of the password
The warning time is set by the MyOffice software administrator. Click the hyperlink on the warning to go to the password change page, or click the button to close it.
•Red banner
Can be set up by the system administrator at the top of the page. To close it, click the button on it. For more information about the banner content, contact your system administrator.
To open an application, click the application shortcut on the main navigation page. Once any application is opened, its logo and title will be displayed in the left upper corner of all pages except the user profile page. Click this logo to display the list of other available applications or to get back to the main navigation page.