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Macros are small programs that automate the execution of lengthy or frequently repeated operations in a presentation. To develop macros in MyOffice Presentation, the Lua programming language is used.

As a rule, macros are used to perform the following tasks:

Add text.

Search and replace throughout text.

Delete text.

You can create, edit, and delete macros only in the desktop version of the MyOffice software. In the web version, you can only launch them.

If there are macros in the presentation, you can access the list of available macros from the Command menu. Click Tools > Run Macro.

Work with the presentation is blocked by a message about the execution of the macro while the macro is running.

If the macro failed for some reason (for example, an error in the macro itself), an error message will be displayed on the screen.

Running VBA macros in MyOffice Presentation is not supported. After converting to edit a .pptm file in an internal format, macros are displayed in the Command menu under Tools > Run Macro but cannot be run.


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