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The text of the presentation can be arranged in the form of a bulleted, numbered or mixed list. In bulleted lists, each new item is marked with a marker, in numbered lists with a number or letter, whereas in mixed lists both markers and numbers and letters can be used.

Create a list

To create a list, do the following:

1.Select the text, shapes, and images to be converted into a list, or place the cursor on an empty line in the text field where you want the list to begin.

2.Click the error to the right of the knpk_bullets List button on the Toolbar. Or select the Format > List.

3.In the menu that opens, select the type and style of list you want to create.

The app remembers the last selected style for the list.

To quickly create a new list in the same style as the previous one, follow these steps:

1.Select the text to be converted into a list, or place the cursor on an empty line in the text field where you want the list to begin.

2.Click knpk_bullets List on the Toolbar.

List nesting levels

Any bulleted list can contain several levels of nesting.

Add a nesting level

After selecting the bulleted list design pattern, place the cursor near the line that should become the next nesting level and press Tab on your keyboard or use the Increase indent command.

If you repeat these actions, you will create new list levels.

Delete a nesting level

After selecting the bulleted list template, place the cursor near the line you want to return to the previous nesting level and use the Decrease indent command.

If you repeat these actions, you will delete list levels.

Since there are only three kinds of markers in each template, the design of the markers will be repeated on the fourth and subsequent nesting levels.

Change the nesting level

You can change the nesting level of the list items by using the command menu or the Toolbar.

To change the nesting level of a list item using the command menu or Toolbar, follow these steps:

1.Place the cursor anywhere in the paragraph you want to change, or select the entire paragraph.

2.Change the nesting level:

To increase the nesting level, in the Command menu, select Format > Paragraph > Increase indent. Or click К_Увеличить отступ Increase indent on the Toolbar.

To decrease the nesting level, on the Command menu, select Format > Paragraph > Decrease indent. Or click К_Уменьшить отступ Decrease indent on the Toolbar.

Transform a list into text

To cancel text formatting as a list, do the following:

1.Select the text for which you want to undo the formatting.

2.Click the arrow to the right of the knpk_bullets List button on the Toolbar. Or select the Format > List.

3.In the opened menu, select No bullets.

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