Keyboard shortcuts for basic actions with emails:
•Ctrl+Enter/ Cmd+Enter: Send email now.
•Ctrl+Shift+Enter/⇧Shift+ Cmd+Enter: Send email later.
•Ctrl+N/ Cmd+N: New email.
•Ctrl+S/ Cmd+S: Save the email; depending on the current save setting, the email will be saved in File, Draft, Pattern.
•Ctrl+P/ Cmd+P: Print a draft.
•Ctrl+Z/ Cmd+Z: Cancel the last action.
•Ctrl+Y/ Cmd+Y: Repeat the canceled action.
•Ctrl+K/ Cmd+K: Insert a link into the text.
•Ctrl+Shift+K/⇧Shift+ Cmd+K: Abort the link or remove links from the selected fragment.
•Ctrl+Shift+R/⇧Shift+ Cmd+R: Remove named anchors.
•Ctrl+Shift+P/⇧Shift+ Cmd+P: Check spelling.
•Ctrl+Shift+A/⇧Shift+ Cmd+A: Attach a file.
•Ctrl+Shift+Y/⇧Shift+ Cmd+Y, Ctrl+Space/
Cmd+Space: Interrupt or delete text styles.
•Ctrl+]/ Cmd+]: Increase the indentation.
•Ctrl+[/ Cmd+[: Reduce the indentation.
•Ctrl+B/ Cmd+B: Set the selected text to the bold style.
•Ctrl+I/ Cmd+I: Set the selected text to the italic style.
•Ctrl+U/ Cmd+U: Set the selected text to the underlined style.
•Ctrl+T/ Cmd+T: Set the text style to "monospaced".
•Ctrl + >/ Cmd+>, Ctrl + ./
Cmd+.: Increase font size.
•Ctrl + </ Cmd+<, Ctrl + ,/
Cmd+,: Reduce font size.
•Ctrl+R/ Cmd+R: Reformat the message text.
•Ctrl+A/ Cmd+A: Select all: message text or attachments.
•Ctrl+C/ Cmd+C: Copy.
•Ctrl+X/ Cmd+X: Cut.
•Ctrl+V/ Cmd+V: Insert.
•Ctrl+Z/ Cmd+Z: Cancel.
•Ctrl+Y/ Cmd+Y: Repeat.
•Ctrl+H/ Cmd+H: Find and replace text in the current message.
•Ctrl+F/ Cmd+F: Find the text in the current message.
•Ctrl+G/ Cmd+G, F3: Find again in the current message.
•Ctrl+Shift+G/⇧Shift+ Cmd+G, Shift+F3/⇧Shift+F3: Find the previous in the current message.
•Shift+Enter/⇧Shift+Enter: Insert a line break instead of a new paragraph.
•F2: Rename the attachment.
•F9: Switch the sidebar Contacts.
•F6, Ctrl+F6/⇧Shift+F6, Ctrl+Tab/ Cmd+Tab: Go to the next main user interface element.
•Shift+F6/⇧Shift+F6, Ctrl+Shift+F6/⇧Shift+ Cmd+F6, Ctrl+Shift+Tab/⇧Shift+
Cmd+Tab: Go to the previous main user interface element.
•Ctrl++/ Cmd++, Ctrl+=/
Cmd+=, Ctrl/
Cmd+Scroll wheel up: Zoom in.
•Ctrl+-/ Cmd+, Ctrl/
Cmd+Scroll wheel down: Zoom out.
•Ctrl+0/ Cmd+0: Reset the scale.
•Ctrl+1/ Cmd+1: Show the main application window.
•Ctrl+Shift+O/⇧Shift+ Cmd+O: Insert as a quote.
•Ctrl+Shift+V/⇧Shift+ Cmd+V: Insert without formatting.
•Ctrl/ Cmd + Click inside the cell: Select a table cell.
•Ctrl/ Cmd + Clicking on the border of the table: Select a table.
•Del: Delete the selected text, attachment, contents of table cells or table.
•Ctrl+Del/ Cmd+Del: Delete a word to the right (from the pointer to the end of the word).
•Ctrl+Backspace/ Cmd+Backspace: Delete a word to the left (from the pointer to the beginning of the word).
•Alt+Home/⌥Option+Home: Move the attachment to the top of the attachment list.
•Alt+↑/⌥Option+↑: Move the attachment higher.
•Alt+←/⌥Option+←: Move the attachment together.
•Alt+↓/⌥Option+↓: Move the attachment below.
•Alt+Home/⌥Option+Home: Move the attachment to the top of the list.
•Alt+End/⌥Option+End: Move the attachment down.
•Alt+Y/⌥Option+Y: Sort all attachments or selected attachments.