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Application: Text Desktop version

A cross-reference is a reference to an element in another part of the document. MyOffice Text allows you to create a link to a heading, a numbered list item, or a bookmark.

In the current version of the application, you cannot work with cross-references of unsupported types (footnote, endnote, image, table, function) created in third-party editors.

Insert a cross-reference

To create a cross-reference, follow these steps:

1.Place the cursor where you want to insert a cross-reference.

2.Open the cross-reference window in one of the following ways:

In the Insert menu, select Cross-Reference.

On the Toolbar, in the Insert section, click t_more. In the insert pane that appears, click t_insert_cross-reference Cross-Reference.

3.In the Cross-Reference window, in the Reference Type drop-down list, select the elements to which the reference will lead: Heading, Numbered List or Bookmark. If you need to insert a cross-reference to a system bookmark, in the lower part of the window select the Show system bookmarks checkbox.

4.In the Refer to field, select the specific element you want the reference to refer to. This field will contain the list of all elements of the reference type selected during the previous step. The list will be generated automatically.

5.In the Insert reference to drop-down list, specify the numeric or text value of the cross-reference (see the Table below). The list of values depends on the previously selected element type.

6.Click Insert.




Heading Text: Heading text.

Page Number: The number of the page where the selected heading is located.

Heading Number (no context): A short number of the heading which is an item of a multilevel list. For example, the reference to heading 1.с.ii will look like ii.

Heading Number (full context): A full number of the heading which is an item of a multilevel list. For example, 1.c.ii.

Above/Below: The word “above” if the heading is above the cross-reference, or “below” if the heading is located below the cross-reference. The position of the heading is identified automatically.

Numbered list

Page Number: The number of the page where the selected list item is located.

Item Number (no context): A short number of the multilevel list item. For example, paragraph number 1.c.ii will look like ii.

Item Number (full context): A full number of the multilevel list item. For example, 1.c.ii.

Item Text: The text of the list item.

Above/Below: The word “above” if the selected item list is above the cross-reference, or “below” if the item list is located below the cross-reference. The position of the list item is automatically identified.


Bookmark Text: The text part where the bookmark has been set. This value can only be selected for the bookmarks in the selected text but not where the cursor is positioned.

Page Number: The number of the page where the selected bookmark is located.

Item Number (no context): A short number of the multilevel list item where the bookmark is set. For example, paragraph number 1.c.ii will look like ii.

Item Number (full context): A full number of the multilevel list item where the bookmark is set. For example, 1.c.ii.

Above/Below: The word “above” if the bookmark is above the cross-reference, or “below” if the bookmark is located below the cross-reference. The position of the bookmark is identified automatically.

If a cross-reference is incorrect, the # symbol will be displayed instead.

To insert other cross-references, repeat the procedure.

The cross-reference window does not block work with the main application window. To close this window, click the close_dialog_window button in its title bar.

Follow the reference

To follow the reference, click it while holding down the Ctrl pressed.

Update cross-references

Cross-references are updated automatically.

Modify a cross-reference

To modify an existing cross-reference, delete it as described below and add a new cross-reference as described above.

Delete a cross-reference

To delete a cross-reference, follow these steps:

1.Select the cross-reference with a mouse click.

2.Delete it in one of the following ways:

On the Toolbar, in the Edit section, click t_edit_delete Delete.

Right-click the selected cross-reference and select Delete from the context menu.

Press Delete.

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