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Application: Mail Web version

To view and edit a task, select it from the list by left-clicking on the name. A pane opens containing information about the task.

In the pane that opens, the user can:

1.Add or remove a task reminder by clicking theRemindersSet Reminder button.

2.Change the deadline for completing the task.

3.Move the task to another task list.

4.Change the status of the task by selecting a value from the list in the rowtask_status.

5.Change the priority of the task by selecting a value from the list in the task_priorrow.

6.Attach a file to the task.

7.Delete a task by clicking the Delete task button and confirming the operation in the window that opens.

You should edit the necessary data and click Save. To exit the task editing mode without saving the changes you have made and return to the task list, click Cancel or theBack_in_the_task button in the upper-left corner of the pane.

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Create a new task
Mark a task completed