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Application: Documents Web version

By default, the file storage Navigation bar contains the following elements:

knpk_menu app button: Allows to open the menu where you can select other applications and quick actions (create a document, create a spreadsheet, create a presentation, create an event (if there is integration with MyOffice Mail), write an email (if there is integration with MyOffice Mail)). When you select another application or quick action in the menu, a new application or event will open in a new tab.

Add button: Allows you to create a document, folder or web shortcut and upload a file or folder.

My documents section: Contains folders or files of the account owner that are inaccessible to other users.

Shared section: Contains files or folders to which the user has access. The access is provided by the owners or authors of these files or folders.

Common folders section: This section has a separate quota for storing shared documents. The top‑level folders are created by the system administrator. For each top‑level folder the administrator assigns an owner who controls further access to all elements in this folder.

If the system administrator has not created any folders in the Common folders section, the Common folders section is not displayed in the Navigation bar.

Flagged section: Contains files or folders marked flagged (that is, marked as important) by the user.

Watched section: Contains the files the user selected to get notified about events related to them.

Recent section: Contains the last edited documents, files opened for preview, and documents for which Version History was opened.

Trash: Contains the documents deleted by the user.

User profile picture (avatar) with user initials or photo. Clicking this button will display the user profile with short information about the user, the button to display the full profile and edit the user profile, and a button to log out of the account. The window may also display a warning that the password is expiring. Click the warning to go to the password change page. The avatar may indicate the issue with the quota available to the user in the file storage.

knpk_help2 Help button: Allows to display the help materials, a file with description of the new features of the application, a window with information on the version of the application, and the Send Feedback hyperlink (displayed if an email client is connected and a support service email address was specified by the system administrator in the MyOffice Private Cloud settings). The button may contain the knpk_help_ind indicator informing that there are updates to the application. The indication will be displayed for 14 calendar days from the date of system update until the user checks the information about the changes.

File storage quota

Each user is allocated a limited amount of space (quota) in the file storage.

The user's personal quota includes:

All files from My documents section

All versions of files from My documents section

Files moved from My documents section to the Trash folder of the user

An image added as the user's avatar

The personal quota does not take into account files from the Shared and Common folders section, as well as files moved from the Common folders section to the Trash folder of the user.

When the storage limit is exceeded or almost reached, the users will receive the following notifications:

When approaching the set limit: A notification will be displayed in the upper part of the window that the file storage space is running out. This notification is a warning, which means that the user can continue working on files without interruption. You can hide the notification by clicking But_Close_WDoc on it or by re-logging in to the web application. In case the quota problem persists the next day, the notification will be shown to the user once again.

The allocated quota limit has been reached: A warning will be displayed in the upper part of the window that the file storage space is running out. This warning cannot be hidden, no further operations with files are possible until the quota issue is solved.

The notification is duplicated in the pop-up window displayed when you hold the cursor over the user's avatar. The user's avatar will display the quota-related notification which will disappear once the problem is resolved.

To free up space, delete unnecessary files from the storage or contact your system administrator to increase the quota size.

Send feedback hyperlink

If a mailing client is connected and the system administrator has specified the email address of the support service in the MyOffice Private Cloud settings, when clicking the Send Feedback hyperlink a new tab will open in the browser containing the feedback form. Fill in the Topic field and describe your issue in the Message box. Click Submit to send your feedback.

Navigation bar context menu

This is a context menu called by right-clicking the elements in the Navigation bar. The commands in this context menu depend on the user's access permissions:


Folders in
My documents section

Folders in
Shared section

Folders in
Common folders section

(according to access permissions)

My documents, Shared, Common folders, Flagged,
Recent sections








Share hyperlink


+ (for users with Can manage access permission)




Decline access






Share a link








+ (for users with Can edit or Can manage access permissions)




Move to


+ (for users with Can manage access permission)




Create a copy




















+ (for users with Can edit or Can manage access permissions)




If the folder you want to open the context menu of has already been opened in the workspace, the Open command is not displayed.

When deleting the current folder using the context menu of the Navigation bar, the workspace will display the parent folder.

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