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Use a keyboard to enter a text to a document workspace. The text entered can be edited, deleted, formatted or saved at any time.

The Normal style is applied to the text in all new documents. The following parameters are set by default for the content:

Font: XO Thames

Font size: 14

Text alignment: Justify Text

Line spacing: Single

First Line: 0

Right Indent: 0

Left Indent: 0

Before: 0

After: 0


Automatically replace a hyphen with an en dash

When typing text, a hyphen sign is usually used in those places where the rules of the English language require a dash, the dash sign being absent on the keyboard. Therefore, the application automatically replaces the hyphen (-) with an en dash () if you enter text_Space_hyphen_Space_text_Space/enter Enter/tab_symbol Tab.

If you need to cancel this change, run the Undo command.

Automatically replace quotation marks

If the text is entered in Russian or French, straight quotation marks ("") are automatically replaced with chevrons («»).

To cancel the automatic replacement of the left or right quotations mark, run the Undo command after you enter it.

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