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Table alignment

By default, the table is aligned to the left edge of the document. The left indent is derived from the paragraph after which the table is located.

To change the way the table is aligned and indented, follow these steps:

1.Place the cursor in any cell of the table or select any element of the table/the entire table.

2.Open the table settings window in one of the following ways:

In the Command menu, select Format > Table > Table Settings.

On the Toolbar, in the Insert section, click t_table_settings Table Settings.

Right-click to open the context menu and run the Table Settings command.

3.In the Table Settings dialog box, select an alignment method: Align Left, Align Center, or Align Right.

4.If the table is aligned to the left, specify the distance from the left margin of the document to the table in the Left Indent field.

5.Click OK.

Text wrapping

The following objects cannot be contained in a table for which you customize text wrapping: images, shapes, equations, tables of contents, cross-references, footnotes, and comments.

To customize the table's text wrapping, follow the steps below:

1.Arrange the table in its entirety on one page. If the table does not fit on one page, break it up into multiple tables.

If text wrapping is enabled for a table that is on multiple pages, the table is cropped and only the beginning of the table is visible on the first page.

2.Place the cursor in any cell of the table or select any element of the table/the entire table.

3.Open the table settings window in one of the following ways:

In the Command menu, select Format > Table > Table Settings.

On the Toolbar, in the Insert section, click t_table_settings Table Settings.

Right-click to open the context menu and run the Table Settings command.

4.In the Table Settings dialog box, check the Wrap text box.

5.Specify the table alignment method and, if necessary, the Left Indent.

6.Specify the distance from the table borders to the surrounding text on the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.

7.Click OK.

You can quickly move a table for which you have set up text wrapping to another location in the document. To do this, proceed as follows:

1.Hover the cursor over the table.

2.Click the table_select_or_move button displayed in the upper left corner of the table.

3.Hold down the left mouse button and move the table to the desired location in the document.

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Cell borders
Resize a row or column