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MyOffice Spreadsheet allows you to export the file to the following formats:




.tsv, .tab, .scsv


When exporting files to .csv, .tsv, .tab, .scsv and .txt formats:

Only the current sheet of the source file with text data is saved in the file. Formatting settings, images, links and other data are not saved.

The ; (semicolon) character is used as a value separator in .csv, .tsv, .tab, and .csv files, and the tab character (Tab) is used in .txt files.

To export a file in .pdf or .pdf/a-1 format, follow the steps below:

1.Run the Export To command in one of the following ways:

In the File menu, click Export To.

On the Toolbar, select the File section and click the arrow to the right of the t_file_print Quick Print button. In the drop-down list, select Export to PDF.

2.In the file manager window, select the folder for export, specify the file name and format, and click Save.

To export a file to a different format, follow the steps below:

1.In the File menu, click Export To.

2.In the file manager window, select the folder for export, specify the file name and format, and click Save.

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