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Application: Text Web version

Numbered lists are the lists where each item is introduced by numbers.

To create a numbered list, follow these steps:

1.Open the list template selection menu in one of the following ways:

In the Command menu, select Format > Numbered list.

On the Toolbar, click on the arrow to the right of the knpk_numbered_list Numbered list button.

2.Select the numbered list style in the window that appears.

List levels

Any numbered list can contain several list levels.

Add a list level

Once you've selected the template for the numbered list, set the cursor next to the line which will become the next list level and press Tab. Or use the Increase indent command.

If you repeat the actions, the item will be moved to the next list level.

Remove a list level

After selecting the template for the numbered list, place the cursor next to the line to be returned to the previous list level and press the Backspace button. Or use the Decrease indent.

If you repeat the actions, the item will be moved to the previous list level.

Since each template contains only three types of numbering elements, these numbering elements will be repeated on the fourth and subsequent list levels. This rule does not apply to the first template. It allows organizing a numbered list of up to nine list levels.

Create a list automatically

You can create a numbered list automatically anywhere on the document. Proceed as follows:

1.Enter one of these symbols in the beginning of the line:

1. — Arabic numerals followed by a dot.

1) — Arabic numerals followed by a parenthesis.

a. — Lowercase Latin letters followed by a dot.

a) — Lowercase Latin letters followed by a bracket.

A. — Capital Latin letters followed by a dot.

I. — Roman numerals followed by a dot.

2.After the symbol, press Space or Tab. The list will be created with the corresponding marker and the corresponding template. After typing text in a line and pressing the Enter (return Return) key, a new list element with the following marker value will be created.

Continue numbering

To continue the existing numbered list, do one of the following:

Enter the following ordinal number of the list item to be continued and press Space or Tab.

Select the command for creating the numbered list and right-click the appeared item number. Select the Continue numbering command in the dialog box.

As a result, the application will continue the numbering of the closest list located above the line where you enter the new marker value.

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Bulleted lists