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Application: Text Home Edition

The Quick actions box is designed to quickly execute commands and apply the text formatting styles.

To open the Quick actions box, in the Command menu, select Help > Quick Actions. Or press Ctrl+/.

The Quick actions box includes:

A list of commands of the Command menu

A list of in-built or user-defined text formatting styles

Use one of the following methods to select a command or style from the list:

Scroll to the desired command or style using the mouse wheel or the right vertical scroll bar. Confirm the command/style selection with a mouse click or by pressing Enter.

Start typing the command or style name in the find and replace pane. When the desired command/style appears in the search results, select it with the mouse or keyboard keys:

oLeft-click the command or style line.

oSelect the command or style line with the ↓ and ↑ keyboard keys and press Enter.

The Quick actions window closes automatically when you execute a command or apply a style. To close a window without selecting a command or style, click anywhere outside that window or press Esc.

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