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Copy and insert formulas
  • Formulas and functions basics
  • Order of operations in a formula
  • Reference cells and cell ranges
  • Recalculation of formulas
  • Automatic calculation
  • Enter functions
  • Replace a formula with its result
  • Copy and insert formulas
  • Names in formulas and functions
  • Reference to data in another document
  • Structured references
Application: Table Home Edition

If necessary, you can cut or copy formulas from one cell/row/column and paste the formula totals into another cell/row/column without the formulas themselves. To do this, follow the steps below:

1.Select the cell, cell range, rows, or columns from which you want to cut or copy formulas.

2.Copy or cut a formula in the usual way.

To insert the result of formula calculation without the original formatting, do the following:

1.Select the place where you want to paste the data:

If the clipboard contains data from a single cell/row/column, select the cell/row/column where you want to paste the data.

If the clipboard contains a range of cells/rows/columns, select the appropriate size range or select the cell/row/column where you want to paste the contents of the first cell/row/column in the range.

2.Paste the content in one of the following ways:

In the Command menu, select Edit > Paste Values Only.

On the Toolbar, select the Edit section and click the arrow to the right of the t_edit_paste Paste button. In the drop-down list, select the Paste Values Only command.

Right-click the selected cells or the contents of the selected rows/columns to open the context menu and click Paste Values Only.

To insert the result of formulas calculation with the original formatting intact, do the following:

1.Select the place where you want to paste the data:

If the clipboard contains data from a single cell/row/column, select the cell/row/column where you want to paste the data.

If the clipboard contains a range of cells/rows/columns, select the appropriate size range or select the cell/row/column where you want to paste the contents of the first cell/row/column in the range.

2.Paste the content in one of the following ways:

In the Edit menu, select Paste Values and Format.

On the Toolbar, select the Edit section and click the arrow to the right of the t_edit_paste Paste button. In the drop-down list, select the Paste Values and Format command.

Right-click the selected cells or the contents of the selected rows/columns to open the context menu and click Paste Values and Format.

Press Ctrl+Alt+V.

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Replace a formula with its result
Names in formulas and functions