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All actions on the sheet are performed within the workspace. Documents created in MyOffice Spreadsheet have a default workspace of 26 columns and 300 rows.

Documents created in MyOffice Spreadsheet application versions older than 3.2 have a default workspace of 10 columns and 20 rows on existing sheets.

The workspace borders are extended automatically if copied rows/columns are pasted onto the sheet and the number of rows/columns exceeds the number of rows/columns in the workspace.

To expand the workspace manually, do one of the following:

Double-click to select any cell in the row or column to be included in the workspace.

Right-click the row/column header to be included in the workspace and run Insert Rows: n/Add Columns: n from the context menu.

Select any cell in the last row/column of the workspace. To expand the workspace by one or more columns, press tab_symbolTab. To expand the workspace by one or more rows, press enter Enter.

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Select cell ranges