You can resize a row or column in one of the following ways:
•Move column or row border manually.
•Automatically fit column width/row height to content.
•Specify the exact column width/row height.
To change the size of a single column or row, follow these steps: 1.Hover the cursor over the right border of the column header or the lower border of the row header so that the cursor takes the form of a two-sided arrow. 2.Hold down the left mouse button and move the border to the desired position. 3.Release the left mouse button to lock the selected position. To set the same size for multiple columns/rows, follow these steps: 1.Select the columns/rows. 2.Set the size for one column/row that you want to apply to all selected columns/rows. Do do this, proceed as follows: •Move the cursor to the right border of the header of any column or to the lower border of the header of any row so that the cursor takes the form of a two-sided arrow. •Hold down the left mouse button and move the border to the desired position. •Release the left mouse button to lock the selected position. For the selected columns/rows, the size specified for this column/row will be automatically set. To set the same size for all rows/columns in the workspace, select all the cells of the sheet and follow the same steps. |
To automatically adjust the column width based on the contents of the cell with the largest amount of data, do one of the following: •Hover the mouse cursor over the right border of the column header so that the cursor takes the form of a two-sided arrow, and double-click. •Right-click on the column header and execute the context menu command Fit Width to Content. •Right-click on the column header and execute the context menu command Column Width. In the Column Width window, select Adjust automatically and click OK. To automatically adjust the row height based on the contents of the cell with the largest amount of data, do one of the following: •Hover the mouse cursor over the lower border of the header so that the cursor takes the form of a two-way arrow, and double-click. •Right-click on the line header and execute the context menu command Fit Height to Content. •Right-click on the line header and execute the context menu command Row Height. In the Row Height window, select Adjust automatically and click OK. To automatically adjust the width/height of several columns/rows, follow these steps: 1.Select the required columns/rows. 2.Autofit width/height in one of the following ways: •Hover the mouse cursor over the border between any two column/row headers in the selected range so that the cursor takes the form of a two-sided arrow. Double-click. •Right-click on the header of any column/row in the selected range and execute the context menu command Fit Width to Content or Fit Height to Content. •Right-click on the header of any column/row in the selected range and execute the context menu command Column Width or Row Height. In the window that opens window, select Adjust automatically and click OK. For each column/row in the selected range, the width/height will be selected according to the contents of the cell with the largest amount of data. |
To specify the exact width for one/more columns or height for one/more rows, follow these steps: 1.Select these columns or rows. 2.Right-click on the header of any column or row in the selected range and execute the context menu command Column Width or Row Height. 3.In the window that opens, specify the required Width of columns or Height of rows. 4.Click OK. |