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MyOffice Spreadsheet allows you to sort and filter cells within the sheet you are working on.

Define sort and filter range

To define a sort and filter range, follow these steps:

1.Select the range of cells that will contain all the data to be sorted and filtered.

The sort and filter range cannot consist of one line.

2.On the Toolbar, in the Data section, click editor_filter_icon Sort and Filter.

The active sort and filter range on the sheet is displayed as follows:

Headings of rows and columns are highlighted in green.

A green frame appears around the range.

The top line of the range marked with clip0006 is not included in the sorting and filtering process.

Automatic detection of the sort and filter range

MyOffice Spreadsheet can automatically detect the sort and filter range if the cells adjacent to the selected one contain data. Data in adjacent cells can be of any format.

To automatically detect the range, follow these steps:

1.Select the empty cell that is adjacent to the range.

2.On the Toolbar, in the Data section, click editor_filter_icon Sort and Filter.


When sorting, the selected values in the column are arranged in the ascending (from A to Z) or descending (from Z to A) order.

If a sorting and filtering range is defined on the sheet and the user selects in the table:

A column or a cell: The entire sorting and filtering range is sorted by that column.

A range of cells in different columns: The sorting of the whole sorting and filtering range is performed by the leftmost column of the selected range.

If the user selects a range of cells both inside and outside the sort and filter range, the data is sorted only in the sort and filter range according to the rule described above.

If no sort and filter range is defined on the sheet and the user selects a range of cells, filtering is automatically enabled for that range and sorting is performed on the leftmost column of the range.

To sort data, proceed with the following:

1.Click clip0006 in the upper cell of the column that will be used for sorting.

2.In the Sort and Filter window that opens, select a sorting method:

Sort in Ascending Order

Sort in Descending Order


Using filtering, you can hide or display cells with selected values or with selected fill color in a column.

To filter cells by value, follow these steps:

1.Click the editor_filter_on_drop_active button in the upper cell of the column where you want to filter the data.

2.In the window that opens, clear the Select All check box.

3.If necessary, you can adjust the width and/or height of the window:

To increase or decrease the window width, move its right border to the left or right.

To increase or decrease the window height, move its bottom border up or down.

To adjust the window width and height simultaneously, move its bottom right corner in the desired direction.

4.Select the check boxes next to the values you want to display in the column.

5.If the list contains a large number of values, use the search bar:

Enter the value you want to find (in full or partially). For example, to find the number 123, you can enter the numbers 12, 23 or 123 in the search bar.

In the search results, select the check boxes next to the values you want to display in the column.

If necessary, repeat the steps to find and select other values.

6.Click OK.

To display all cells in a column again, reopen the Sort and Filter window and select the Select All check box. Or click Clear Filter.

To filter cells by fill color, follow these steps:

1.Click the editor_filter_on_drop_active button in the upper cell of the column where you want to filter the data.

2.In the window that opens, select By color filtering method. Filtering by color is available only if there are cells with fill in the range.

3.In the palette of colors available for filtering, select a fill color.

4.Click Apply.

To display all cells in a column again, reopen the Sort and Filter window and click Clear Filter.

Only one filter type can be set for a column at a time.
Also, if a multi-color filter has been applied in a third-party editor, such a filter will be ignored.

Copy and paste filtered data

After filtering, only visible data is copied from the table. Hidden data is not copied.

You can copy and paste data using standard methods. The copied data can be pasted anywhere in the current or another MyOffice Spreadsheet document.

Refresh the filter

If the values in the selected range have changed during work, you can re-filter the data without changing the filter settings. To do this, proceed as follows:

1.On the Toolbar, select the Data section and click the arrow to the right of the editor_filter_icon Sort and Filter button.

2.In the drop-down menu, select Refresh.

Finishing work with sorting and filtering range

To finish working with the current sorting and filtering range, on the Toolbar, in the Data section, click editor_filter_icon Sort and Filter.

When you finish working with a range, only the sorting results will be saved in the spreadsheet. Filtering results are not saved.
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