presentationDesktop version

You can navigate between slides using the mouse, keyboard keys, or Toolbar.

Move to the next slide

To move to the next slide, do one of the following:

Click the next_page_button Next button on the Toolbar at the bottom of the application screen.

Press Space, the Right Arrow key, or PageDown.

Left-click on a slide in the slide display area.

Left-click on the thumbnail of the desired slide in the Navigation bar on the left side of the application screen.

Move to the previous slide

To move to the previous slide, do one of the following:

Click the previous_page_button Previous button on the Toolbar at the bottom of the application screen.

Press Backspace, the Left Arrow key, or PageUp.

Left-click on the thumbnail of the desired slide in the Navigation bar on the left side of the application screen.

Move to the first slide

To quickly move to the first slide of the presentation, do one of the following:

Press Home.

Hold the left mouse button pressed on the visible area of the presentation until you move to the first slide.

Left-click on the thumbnail of the desired slide in the Navigation bar on the left side of the application screen.

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