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Application: Documents Web version

The Sidebar can display the properties of the active element or a list of recent operations.

To open the Sidebar, use one of the following methods:

Click button_info Info or knpk_un_ac Recent operations on the Toolbar.

Select Info in the context menu called by right-clicking the line with the element.

Active element properties pane

The active element properties pane displays the Info and the Activity tabs.

The Info tab contains is separated into blocks. The first block contains the following elements:


The date of creation and the name of the author of the file or folder.

The date of the last modification of the file or folder and the name of the user who made the edits last.

Size of all versions.

Version history button.

If you put the cursor over the name of the element's author or the name of the user who made edits last, a pop-up window with additional information about the user and the More information hyperlink appears to view information about the user in MyOffice Contacts application (when integrated with MyOffice Mail).

Objects in the Flagged, Watched, and Recent sections contain additional items in the Info tab: the path and a hyperlink with the folder name.

The Public links clip0002 block is displayed for the owner and users with Can manage permission, if at least one public link is generated for the active element.

The clip0003 Sharing settings block is displayed only for the owner of the file or folder and for users with Can manage permission. When you click the hyperlink in the Sharing settings dialog box, the list of users with permission types is displayed. By default, the first user to appear in the list is the Owner clip0004.

Information about issued access permissions  is displayed to users in the Sidebar depending on their type of access permissions.


A user with the Owner permission has access only to their data as the owner of the file.

To the right of the clip0003 Sharing settings, "Access granted" is displayed if the user has shared the link to the file via sharing option.

Can manage

A user with Can manage permission has access to data about their rights and the owner's rights.

Can view or edit

A user with Can view or edit permission has access to information about their permissions and the owner of the file. Information about other access permissions to the element is not available. The clip0005 Decline access command is displayed instead of the clip0003 Sharing settings hyperlink.

To view information about an element, select it in the workspace or Navigation bar. If you select more than one file, the properties pane displays the number, total file size, and total size of all versions of those files.

The Activity tab contains the history of actions performed with the element. The tab is not available to the users with Can view access permission. The system administrator can disable the display of the Activity tab and recording of the history of actions with the element.

The Activity tab contains the following information:

A new file or folder is created.

A file is created from the template.

A file is uploaded.

File content modified (recorded every two minutes). If you hold the cursor over an event, the version_history Version history button appears that allows to switch to the window of viewing and controlling file versions.

A file or folder is renamed.

An element is deleted or restored from the Trash.

An element is restored by the administrator.

An element is moved.

A file is replaced. If you put the cursor over an event, the version_history Version history button appears that allows to switch to the window of viewing and controlling file versions.

For the users with the Owner or Can manage access permissions, the following information is displayed as well:

A public link is created or deleted.

A public link is deleted or blocked by the administrator .

A public link is automatically blocked.

When you hold the cursor over such an event, the access Share hyperlink to go to the access permissions management window.

Direct access permissions are added, changed or deleted When you hold the cursor over such an event, the access Share hyperlink to go to the access permissions management window.


Please be aware that when a folder is selected, the changes that have occurred with the folder, rather than with the elements inside it, are displayed.

The following information is recorded for each action:

Date and time

Avatar and the name of the user who performed the action

Type of action


Actions are sorted in descending order of the date of occurrence of the action and are displayed in groups:

Actions for the current day with time indication

Actions over the last seven days, not counting the current day

Actions for the month with year indication


The maximum number of stored actions per element is set by the system administrator. When the maximum value is reached, the earliest actions are deleted.

To view the action history of a file or folder, select an element in the workspace or in the Navigation bar and go to the Activity tab on the Sidebar. When selecting more than one element, the Activity tab it is not displayed in the element properties pane.

To receive information about certain events in the file, sign up for notifications. For more information, see Notifications on events in a file.  

List of recent operations

When you perform operations with files and folders (copy, move, delete), the knpk_un_ac Recent operations button becomes active and has the indication according to the result of the operations.

When you click the knpk_un_ac Recent operations, the Sidebar will display a list of operations that are being performed or the finished/canceled operations. Place the cursor on the operation in the list of recent operations to see additional buttons that allow you to perform actions related to the operation.

Последние операции_приостановлено

Clicking on the operation name opens the operation detail window where you can view messages about all objects that have been acted on.

To delete an operation entry from the list in the Sidebar, hold the cursor over the entry and click delete_up Remove from the list in the detailed window about the operation or the knpk_del Remove from the list in the list of recent operations on the Sidebar.

When a file operation is completed with a status other than Successful, the user will see a pop-up notification describing the errors and warnings.

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