How can we help you?
Key advantages of our products:

  • MyOffice solutions comprise all the tools necessary for efficient teamwork. You can discuss and edit documents with your colleagues from anywhere. Thanks to the track changes and version tracking functions, all changes will be saved.
  • Documents created in MyOffice apps have the same appearance no matter what device is used to display them.
  • MyOffice works with all the popular OSs and platforms, including Russian Linux-based operating systems and Aurora OS for mobile. MyOffice also runs on hardware from MSCT Elbrus and Baikal Electronics JSC.
  • You decide where your data is stored. MyOffice solutions create a secure work environment that has been verified by certification tests conducted by IT security regulators. MyOffice products can be used to work with confidential data and state secrets.
  • MyOffice products utilize AI, machine learning, and deep learning technologies to elevate employee teamwork to a new level: routine operations can be automated to increase the efficiency of collaborative work with documents.
  • You can download demo versions of the apps or try the cloud version of the apps on our website to see the advantages offered by MyOffice for yourself. We also offer demo versions of the apps and a test cloud environment for businesses. MyOffice's experts will answer all of your questions and help you to make the choice that's right for you.
  • MyOffice products will help you to optimize your business's budget. The implementation, operation, and support of MyOffice are less expensive than foreign analogs.
  • MyOffice solutions are developed in Russia. They fully comply with all Russian laws. They are on the Domestic Software List and included in the Domestic Software compatibility catalog compiled by the Association of Software Product Developers.