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    MyOffice Text
    1. Insert and edit endnotes. Make your document look more professional, neat and reader-friendly thanks to the endnotes feature added in this release. Edit or copy the endnotes to another text document in MyOffice Text as needed.

    2. Fix object position on page. From now on objects created using other editors are displayed more accurately when opening files in MyOffice Text thanks to the additional coordinates feature ensuring extended compatibility.

    3. Headers and footers. Apply special formatting faster and more conveniently thanks to flexible settings allowing to create unique headers and footers. Use custom settings for the first page headers and footers and double-sided printing by setting desired footers for even and odd pages, which is especially useful when preparing a file for binding.

    4. Text wrapping around tables. Now you can display information in a more convenient way while saving space by wrapping text around tables. To enhance the readability of your document, we have added a new tool that helps position the table on the same line as the text and allows for easy alignment and indentation adjustments.

    5. Navigating search results. It is now easier to navigate through search result with the improved search feature in MyOffice Text 2.7H. Users can swiftly browse through results and view the context of found words or phrases, resulting in faster information retrieval. The update also includes a count of found words and phrases, as well as the option to switch between them seamlessly. These enhancements significantly improve user experience and convenience when it comes to working with text files.

    6. Page numbering. The latest update of MyOffice Text 2.7H expands the options for customizing page numbers, providing greater flexibility for designing highly specific documents. Now it is easy to add unique numbering for each section, adjust font styles, sizes, and alignments. You can also implement double page numbering with page numbers at the top and bottom of each page for added convenience to create a document you want.

    MyOffice Spreadsheet, MyOffice Text
    1. New hotkeys. New keyboard shortcuts have been added for fast and convenient text formatting. Depending on the cursor's position, a key combination can delete a part of a word or the entire word.
      Windows and Linux: To remove all characters from the beginning of the word to the cursor, press [Ctrl] + [Backspace]. To remove all characters from the cursor to the end of the word, press [Ctrl] + [Delete].
      macOS: To remove all characters from the beginning of the word to the cursor, press [Cmd/Opt] + [Delete]. To remove all characters from the cursor to the end of the word, press [Cmd/Opt] + [Fn] + [Delete].

    2. Insert shapes (various line types). Easily create charts in your text or spreadsheet editor using lines, the new shape types introduced in the latest 2.7H release. Customize the arrow style, color, and thickness of each line to achieve a polished and professional-looking chart.

    3. "Favorites" panel for frequently used functions. Add up to 14 items to the panel that you use frequently to save time searching for the ones you need.

    4. Inserting symbols via a button on the toolbar. Add symbols and formatting marks to texts and tables faster with a toolbar button that reveals a set of popular symbols, such as the non-breaking dash to insert mathematical or other special characters, click "More characters".

    5. Hyperlinks enhancements. Enjoy more features when working with links: add links to an existing text, as well as edit or remove links with the original text left intact.

    6. Rotate text in a cell. User text rotation to adjust the angle of headings in table cells in both text documents and spreadsheets for advanced formatting.

    MyOffice Spreadsheet
    1. Copy and paste charts into other documents. In MyOffice Spreadsheet 2.7, a new feature has been added that allows you to easily share visual data and charts between different documents. No need to waste time recreating or manually drawing charts. Simply copy the chart from one file and paste into another.

    2. Apostrophes in cells. To ensure accurate data display, apostrophes are processed differently in MyOffice Spreadsheet 2.7H. This modification enables the proper opening of files that were created in other programs and contain apostrophes. Moreover, the formatting of your entered text will be maintained when other users access the file.

    3. Hyperlinks to sheets. Use our new feature to create hyperlinks to different sheets within the document for easy navigation between pages. Hyperlinks to sheets have made working with multi-page spreadsheets even more convenient. You can now create a table of contents and navigate seamlessly between sheets.

    4. Drop-down lists. MyOffice Spreadsheet 2.7H now supports drop-down lists for data entry in spreadsheets created using other editors. This feature is particularly useful if you have pre-existing drop-down lists from other programs that you want to use when entering data.

    5. Delete duplicate values. MyOffice Spreadsheet 2.7H automates the removal of duplicate data, saving users time by eliminating the need to delete duplicates manually. This feature is particularly beneficial for users working with large spreadsheets, for example, when you want to have a list from the source data cleaned of duplicates (for instance, delete data of users who signed in twice).

    6. Copying filtered ranges. Work with filtered data more conveniently: filtered out cells are no longer copied to the clipboard, while insertion occurs already with filters applied. Also, from now on formatting only applies only to the filtered range.

    7. Additional selection of the copied text. Avoid copying errors—the area of data copied to the clipboard is now marked with a dotted line.

    8. Opening a document to the last active sheet. Resume work on the document from the point where you left off before closing. This saves time searching for the right sheet. It's especially helpful if the document is shared by many people.

    9. Resizable cells. Adjust the cell size manually if you need to fit the document to the size of the sheet when printing or for convenient display on the screen.