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    MyOffice Text
    DesktopMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Standard 2
    1. Insert and edit endnotes. Make your document look more professional, neat, and reader-friendly thanks to the endnotes feature added in this release. Edit or copy the endnotes to another text document in MyOffice Text as needed.

    2. Fix object position on page. From now on objects created using other editors are displayed more accurately when opening files in MyOffice Text thanks to the additional coordinates feature ensuring extended compatibility.

    3. Headers and footers. Apply special formatting faster and more conveniently thanks to flexible settings allowing to create unique headers and footers. Use custom settings for the first page headers and footers and double-sided printing by setting desired footers for even and odd pages, which is especially useful when preparing a file for binding.

    4. Text wrapping around tables. Now you can display information in a more convenient way while saving space by wrapping text around tables. To enhance the readability of your document, we have added a new tool that helps position the table on the same line as the text and allows for easy alignment and indentation adjustments.

    5. Navigating search results. It is now easier to navigate through search result with the improved search feature in MyOffice Text 2.7. Users can swiftly browse through results and view the context of found words or phrases, resulting in faster information retrieval. The update also includes a count of found words and phrases, as well as the option to switch between them seamlessly. These enhancements significantly improve user experience and convenience when it comes to working with text files.

    6. Page numbering. The latest update of MyOffice Text 2.7 expands the options for customizing page numbers, providing greater flexibility for designing highly specific documents. Now it is easy to add unique numbering for each section, adjust font styles, sizes, and alignments. You can also implement double page numbering with page numbers at the top and bottom of each page for added convenience to create a document you want.

    7. Track changes in tables in the text editor. Tracking all changes in files is now easier to manage with MyOffice's new feature. From now on users can review all changes made to table structures, including when rows or tables are added. Prior to this update, co‑authors could only view text edits made within tables. This feature is also available for documents created in third-party editors, making collaboration seamless and efficient and allows co-authors to efficiently review any changes made to a document, ensuring that crucial updates are not missed.

    MyOffice Spreadsheet, MyOffice Text
    DesktopMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Standard 2
    1. New hotkeys. New keyboard shortcuts have been added for fast and convenient text formatting. Depending on the cursor's position, a key combination can delete a part of a word or the entire word.
      Windows and Linux: To remove all characters from the beginning of the word to the cursor, press [Ctrl] + [Backspace]. To remove all characters from the cursor to the end of the word, press [Ctrl] + [Delete].
      MacOS: To remove all characters from the beginning of the word to the cursor, press [Cmd/Opt] + [Delete]. To remove all characters from the cursor to the end of the word, press [Cmd/Opt] + [Fn] + [Delete].

    2. Insert shapes (various line types). Easily create charts in your text or spreadsheet editor using lines, the new shape types introduced in the latest 2.7 release. Customize the arrow style, color, and thickness of each line to achieve a polished and professional-looking chart.

    MyOffice Spreadsheet
    DesktopMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Standard 2
    1. Apostrophes in cells. To ensure accurate data display, apostrophes are processed differently in MyOffice Spreadsheet 2.7. This modification enables the proper opening of files that were created in other programs and contain apostrophes. Moreover, the formatting of your entered text will be maintained when other users access the file.

    2. Hyperlinks to sheets. Use our new feature to create hyperlinks to different sheets within the document for easy navigation between pages. Hyperlinks to sheets have made working with multi-page spreadsheets even more convenient. You can now create a table of contents and navigate seamlessly between sheets.

    3. Indexing fix. You no longer need to worry about neighboring columns' calculation results not matching the sorted values after sorting data. We have introduced new display rules considering the formulas' dependence on sorted data for automatic recalculation.

    4. Drop-down lists. MyOffice Spreadsheet 2.7 now supports drop-down lists for data entry in spreadsheets created using other editors. This feature is particularly useful if you have pre-existing drop-down lists from other programs that you want to use when entering data.

    5. Using links to data from other local documents in formulas. MyOffice Spreadsheet 2.7 enables linking to source data from other local spreadsheets. You can now link to source data from a different local spreadsheet in the document you are working on. With this feature you can generate summary reports that incorporate source data from various spreadsheet documents.

    6. Productivity gains. Streamline your work with sizable spreadsheet documents. We have elevated the speed of specific formulas, filters, and functions. For instance, the VLOOKUP function operates 20-50 times more quickly depending on the sheet. Filtering is now 2-3 times more rapid, and memory usage has been decreased by 20% while uploading documents. These features, as well as the optimized user scripts will enable you to process large files more efficiently with reduced computational delay.

    7. Delete duplicate values. MyOffice Spreadsheet 2.7 automates the removal of duplicate data, saving users time by eliminating the need to delete duplicates manually. This feature is particularly beneficial for users working with large spreadsheets, for example, when you want to have a list from the source data cleaned of duplicates (for instance, delete data of users who signed in twice).

    8. Note's author name. Use notes more efficiently. Each note now displays the name of its author by default, making it easier to find the desired information. The author's name is in bold and matches the name in the user account. Even if the note was added to a document created in another editor, the author's name will still be displayed correctly and will not be lost.

      Web apps
      MyOffice Text
      webMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Private Cloud 2
      1. Text wrapping around tables. Save space and display text and tables conveniently in web documents. Previously, tables created in other editors appeared without wrapping when opened in MyOffice Private Cloud 2. Starting from this release, you can wrap tables with text from all sides, edit the content, and follow links inside the tables.

      2. Track changes in tables in the text editor. Tracking all changes in files is now easier to manage with MyOffice's new feature. From now on users can review all changes made to table structures, including when rows or tables are added. Prior to this update, co‑authors could only view text edits made within tables. This feature is also available for documents created in third-party editors, making collaboration seamless and efficient and allows co-authors to efficiently review any changes made to a document, ensuring that crucial updates are not missed.

      MyOffice Spreadsheet
      webMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Private Cloud 2
      1. Note's author name. Use notes more efficiently. Each note now displays the name of its author by default, making it easier to contact the author for additional information. The author's name is in bold and matches the name in the user account. Even if the note was added to a document created in another editor, the author's name will still be displayed correctly and will not be lost.

      MyOffice Presentation (Beta)
      webMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Private Cloud 2
      1. New element display mode. The presentation interface has become more user-friendly. The new version features the mode of displaying elements on a slide without borders ("Turn off border display"). Now it is easier to visualize the final view of the slide and show it quickly. Users can check and uncheck the display of borders on and off as they wish.

      2. Work with hyperlinks. In this release, users can create, delete, and edit hyperlinks on slides in MyOffice Presentation (Beta) and navigate to external resources. Now, when viewing and demonstrating your presentation, colleagues and partners can quickly navigate to the web resource they need and get additional information quickly.

      MyOffice Spreadsheet, MyOffice Text, MyOffice Presentation (Beta)
      webMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Private Cloud 2
      1. Search in documents in preview mode. Save time searching for important information in documents thanks to convenient and fast search in MyOffice Private Cloud 2 documents in preview mode. To find a word or text, simply use the Toolbar or hotkeys [Ctrl] / [Cmd] + [F].
        *This feature is disabled by default to save server capacity and can be enabled by the system administrator.

      2. Automatically resize the Toolbar to fit the user's screen. Open documents and work comfortably with multiple active windows in split-screen mode. Now the Toolbar with icons in documents, spreadsheets, and presentations minimizes and the "..." button appears when you zoom out.

      3. Move elements in MyOffice Private Cloud 2 web editors. Easily move elements and images in presentation, text, and spreadsheet editors in the same way you use the arrows on your keyboard (up, down, left, right).

      MyOffice Documents file manager
      webMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Private Cloud 2
      1. Support of work with digitally signed documents. (available in Russian version). Opening documents with GOST digital signature in the file storage. As of version 2.7, documents with detached and embedded GOST electronic signature can be opened for viewing. This is an important feature when working with business partners, government agencies, individuals and freelancers. When working with documents signed with an digital signature, the following features are available:

        • Supported file formats: .docx, .odt, .xodt, .xlsx, .ods, .xods.
        • Save embedded signature information when uploading to and downloading a document from the Cloud.
        • Open the signed documents (embedded and detached signature) in web interface of the file storage (read-only).
        • Edit a signed document after creating a copy of it in internal format.
        • Informing the user that the document has been signed.
        * This functionality can be enabled/disabled (disabled by default).

      2. Limit the expiration time of public links. Manage and restrict the information you send to external partners. In the file storage, it is now possible to set the maximum validity period of public links. Now, the maximum validity of a link is set by the administrator, and you do not have to worry about the file being available to external users all the time. Enhance your company's information security!

      webMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Private Cloud 2
      1. Increase the number of supported users up to twenty thousand. Organize effective teamwork and operational internal interaction of a large number of employees based on your own IT infrastructure in the MyOffice Cloud. The new release confirms that up to 20,000 users can work in one installation at the same time. Testing was conducted using a heavy workload profile.

      2. Additional user information. Add new information to user profiles for effective interaction of people in your organization! The new release reflects more information about users in the file storage interface: position, organization, division, department, city.

      MyOffice Mail
      webMyOffice Mail 2MyOffice Professional 2
      1. Mailbox delegation. This new feature allows users to more effectively manage access to their email by providing the ability to delegate specific mail folders to other users and allow emails to be sent on their behalf. This allows for more efficient organization, easier communication between employees, and improved collaboration.

      2. Assign tags to emails. Tags make it easier to find the emails you need, help you keep track of important messages and prioritize them. Such tagging helps users to organize and structure their work with a large amount of electronic correspondence and improve the overall workflow.

      3. Easier flagging of emails. With an improved tool for flagging emails, users can process incoming mail faster and more conveniently. Now they can flag the emails they need and they will automatically be added to a separate Flagged folder for quick access when needed. This greatly speeds up workflow and simplifies email processing.

      4. Add attachments from MyOffice Cloud as files. Add attachments to your email in the most convenient way! Previously, to attach a document from file storage to an email you had to download it to your local computer or attach it as a link. Starting from release 2.7, it is possible to add the required document directly from the corporate storage as a file. The document will be attached in the same format as it was in the Cloud. Add any convenient type of attachments—now you can attach a document stored on your local computer, a link to a file stored in the corporate cloud, or a file automatically downloaded from the storage.

      MyOffice Calendar
      webMyOffice Mail 2MyOffice Professional 2
      1. View calendars for internal accounts. To help you manage your time and schedule appointments, you can display calendars for additional connected internal accounts. This allows users to see all events and activities in a single calendar grid, making it easier to make plans and collaborate with others.

      2. Search for calendar events. Find events of interest in your calendar quickly and easily by various parameters with calendar events search. You can see which events have already passed, which are coming up soon, and find those that meet certain criteria.

      3. Overlapping event notifications. Quickly and conveniently review your schedule and decide whether to accept or decline meetings with overlapping event notifications. This will help to you improve your planning and avoid potential scheduling conflicts.

      MyOffice Mail, MyOffice Calendar
      webMyOffice Mail 2MyOffice Professional 2
      1. Create event from email. Create an event in the calendar directly from the received email to quickly organize a meeting or event with the participants of correspondence, send them an invitation, and thus greatly simplify the workflow.

      webMyOffice Professional 2MyOffice Mail 2
      1. Improved admin panel. The mail domain management feature speeds up and simplifies the administrator's job. They can create, modify, and view mail domains faster and more conveniently. Employees with the Administrator role work with their tenant's domains, while those with the Super admin role work with all tenants' domains, providing flexibility and control over the mail system.

        Mobile apps
        MyOffice Documents mobile app
        iOSAndroidMyOffice Private Cloud 2MyOffice Professional 2
        1. View the status of a document's digital signature when using MyOffice file storage. When using the mobile application as part of MyOffice Private Cloud 2, a corporate user can view digitally signed files in MyOffice file storage. To view an digitally signed file on their device, the user must be logged in to the organization's MyOffice Private Cloud 2. The following features are available when working with digitally signed files: (available in Russian version).

          • Supported file formats: .docx, .odt, .xodt, .xlsx, .ods, .xods.
          • Open the signed documents (embedded and detached signature) in MyOffice Documents (read-only).
          • Save embedded signature information when uploading to and downloading a document from the Cloud.
          • Edit a signed document after creating a copy of it in internal format.
          • Informing the user that the document has been signed.

        2. Track changes in tables in the text editor. Tracking all changes in files is now easier to manage with MyOffice's new feature. From now on users of the mobile version can review all changes made to table structures, including when rows or tables are added. This feature is also available for documents created in third-party editors, making collaboration seamless and efficient and allows co-authors to efficiently review any changes made to a document, ensuring that crucial updates are not missed.

        3. Text wrapping around tables in text files. MyOffice Documents application now supports tables with wrapping in text documents. Thanks to the feature allowing text wrapping around tables, the table will automatically move within the page in case the user makes changes to the text of the document.

        MyOffice Documents mobile app for Aurora OS, release 1.3
        1. Export to .pdf. Save text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in .pdf format so that when you view the file on other devices, the information and formatting options are the same as in the original document.

        2. Go through the links in .pdf file. Follow external links and internal hyperlinks contained in the .pdf file.

        3. Use gestures to zoom in and out of documents you are editing. Use gestures to zoom in and out of the documents you are viewing and editing.

        4. Work with sheets in the spreadsheet editor. Add and delete sheets in the spreadsheet document, create duplicates, change names, view hidden sheets and hide sheets from view.

        5. Delete charts. Delete charts from the spreadsheet document as needed.

        6. Change the cell background. Make your table more expressive or highlight important information in a cell by changing the cell background.