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  Mailion 1.6
    1. Compatibility with the Alt, ALD Pro, and RED ADM directory service. Now the list of Mailion-compatible directories has become wider, which will simplify the transition of organizations to Russian-made software. When working with an external directory, the administrator can configure the display of additional fields in the Mailion directory user card. This feature allows to automatically generate the most complete user profile in Mailion when synchronizing the global address book.

    2. API for backup. The API is implemented for integration with backup systems. This functionality allows to restore all Mailion objects both individually and in full system restore mode from a backup. Full and incremental data backup are supported.

    3. Improved migration tools. Switching to Mailion has never been easier. Thanks to the improved tools, migrating from Microsoft Exchange become a lot simpler, with the increased speed and stability of migration, completeness of migrated data and final reporting.

    4. Black and white lists of senders. Increase the information security of Mailion users thanks to the functionality of black and white lists of external mail senders. This feature allows to identify reliable senders of emails, even if they contain spam, and protects users from receiving unwanted emails.

    Custom features
    1. Search results sorting. Find the desired emails easier and faster thanks to the sort search results feature. Search by date, by sender, by recipient, by subject, by size, by relevance (set by default) both in the forward and reverse direction.

    2. Filter emails by name or domain. Set the rules for incoming emails processing with the feature allowing to specify only part of the email address (name or domain) to make sure that you don't miss an important email. For example, you can configure filtering by domain only in the From, To and Copy fields, so that emails from different employees of the same partner are marked with the Flagged mark, or all emails automatically go into a specially created folder.

    3. Advanced setup for recurring events. Use the advanced configuration of recurrent events to create custom repeatability. Configure the interval, recurrence days, recurrence completion condition, as well as specific or relative recurrence day and month.

    4. Transfer events between the Mailion calendar and a calendar connected via the CalDAV protocol. Two-way transfer of events between the Mailion calendar and an external calendar connected via CalDAV is now available. Since not all external calendars support attachments, when transferring an event from the Mailion calendar, the system deletes all attachments for consistency purposes. Recurrent events are transferred as a whole series at once to keep the same organizer and for the ease of the event management.