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Resize a row or column
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  • Select a column or row
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  • Cell background color
  • Cell borders
  • Alignment and text wrapping
  • Resize a row or column
  • Specify exact size of cells
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  • Delete rows or columns
  • Delete a table

You can change the size of a column or row in one of the following ways:

Move column or row border manually.

Specify the exact column width/row height.

Change the size manually

To change the size of a single column or row, follow these steps:

1.Hover the cursor over the border of the column or row whose size you want to change. The cursor will take the form of a two-sided arrow.

2.Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor so that the column/row border takes the desired position.

3.Release the left mouse button to lock the position.

The last vertical border of the table cannot go beyond the right margin of the page.

To set the same size for multiple columns/rows of a table, follow these steps:

1.Select the columns/rows.

2.Set the size for one column/row that you want to apply to all selected columns/rows of the table. To do this, proceed as follows:

Hover the cursor over the border of any column/row so that it takes the form of a two-sided arrow.

Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor so that the column/row border takes the desired position.

Release the left mouse button to lock the position.

For the selected columns/rows of the table, the size specified for this column/row will be automatically set.

To set the same size for all columns/rows of the table, select the table and follow the same steps.

Specify the exact size

To specify the exact width for one/more columns or height for one/more rows, follow these steps:

1.Specify the data for columns/rows:

To change the width of one column or the height of one row, select this column/row or select any cell that is in this column/row.

To change the width of several columns or the height of several rows, select these column/row or select any range of cells that are in these columns/rows.

2.Open the Cell Size window in one of the following ways:

On the Command menu, select Format > Table > Cell Size.

On the Toolbar, in the Table section, click t_table_cell_size Cell Size.

Right-click on the selected columns/rows and execute the Cell Size context menu command.

3.In the Cell Size window, specify the required Width of columns or Height of rows.

4.Click OK.

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Alignment and text wrapping
Specify exact size of cells