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Insert a shape
  • Insert a shape
  • Edit a shape
  • Fill a shape
  • Shape outline
  • Line style
  • Resize a shape
  • Fit shape size to text
  • Change line length and angle
  • Select arrow type
  • Change shape position in text
  • Move a shape
  • Delete a shape

In MyOffice Text you can insert lines, rectangles, ellipses, triangles, diamonds, folded corners, stars, hearts, brackets, arrows, callouts, or text boxes into your file. You can add these shapes anywhere in the document, except in the footnote area and comments.

Insert a line

To insert a line into a document, do the following:

1.Open the insert sub-menu in one of the following ways:

In the Command menu, select Insert > Shape > Line.

On the Toolbar, select the Insert section and click t_more. On the displayed insert pane, place the cursor on the t_insert_shape Shape button.

2.In the sub-menu that opens, select the type of line to insert: line, arrow, double-sided arrow. The cursor will look like a crosshair cursor_crosshair.

3.If needed, select the arrow type.

4.Add a line in one of the following ways:

Click the left mouse button on the place where the line start point should be located. A line with a length of 4.24 cm and an angle of 45° will be added to the document.

Hold down the left mouse button and draw a line in the desired location of the document. To finish drawing, release the left mouse button.

5.If needed, edit the length and the angle of the line.

By default the line is inserted before the text. The position of the line can be modified manually.

Insert a shape

1.Place the cursor where you want to insert the shape.

2.Display the list of shapes in one of the following ways:

In the Command menu, select Insert > Shape.

On the Toolbar, select the Insert section and click t_more . On the displayed insert pane, hold the cursor over t_insert_shape Shape.

3.In the opened sub-menu, select the shape you want to insert.

Insert a text box

A text box is a framed text which can be easily moved within the text you are working on. Text boxes can be used for different purposes, including for creating legends for image elements or callout boxes with quotes from the main text to make them more visible.

To insert a text box:

1.Place the cursor where you want to insert a text box.

2.Insert the text box in one of the following ways:

In the Command menu, select Insert > Text Box.

On the Toolbar, select the Insert section and click t_more. On the insert pane that appears, click t_insert_textbox Text Box.

3.Enter the text you want to be displayed in the text box. To format the text, use the standard text formatting tools.

4.To deselect the text box, click anywhere in the document outside the text box.

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Edit a shape