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Protect content from changes
  • Protect content from changes

Сontent elements in the body of the text and in the headers and footers can be protected from changes. For more information on the functions available when the element is locked, see the Table below.


Disabled functions when the element is locked

Enabled functions when the element is locked


Enter, edit, format, and delete text


Move an image

Resize an image

Delete an image


Move a shape

Resize a shape

Delete a shape

Enter, edit, format, and delete text in shapes

Text in shape

Enter, edit, format, and delete text in shapes

Move a shape

Resize a shape

Delete a shape

Text in table cells

Enter, edit, format, and delete text in the locked table cells

Resize and delete rows and columns containing the locked cells

Delete the table

Enter, edit, format, and delete text in other table cells

Resize and delete other rows and columns of the table

Insert rows and columns


Enter, edit, format, and delete text in a table

Insert, resize, and delete rows and columns

Delete the table

Lock сontent

To lock the content, follow these steps:

1.Select the part of the document you want to lock the content of:

To lock a single paragraph of text from change, place the cursor in it, select part of the paragraph, or select the entire paragraph. To lock multiple paragraphs so that they cannot be changed, select them entirely.

To lock an image or shape against changes, select it with the mouse by clicking it.

To lock the text in a shape against changes, double-click it and select the desired text in the shape.

To lock the text in one or more cells of a table against changes, select these cells.

To lock a table against changes, select the entire table.

2.In the Command menu, click Edit > Lock Content.

The locked elements looks as follows:

The cursor color in the locked text is red.

When you select a locked element, the frame around the element is red.

When you place the cursor on the locked element marker, the cursor changes to lock_size.

If you want to edit the locked text or element, you will see the following message: "This part of the document is locked for changes. If you must edit it, unlock the content".

Unlock content

To unlock the content in the entire document, in the Command menu, select Edit > Unlock.

To unlock the content partially, do the following:

1.Select the desired content.

2.In the Command menu, select Edit > Unlock.

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