To find data in the current document: 1.Open the Find and replace pane in one of the following ways: •On the Sidebar, click •On the Edit menu, select Find and replace. •Press Ctrl+F ( 2.Enter the data you are looking for in the Find field. The search is performed automatically when the first character is entered. If necessary, customize the search parameters. 3.All found matches with the entered text in the document will be highlighted in gray, and the fragment where you stopped viewing the search results is highlighted in yellow. The number of matches will be indicated under the Find field. The search segment should not exceed 255 characters.
To move between the search results, do one of the following: •On the Find and replace pane, click •Use the keyboard shortcuts: Shift+Enter ( In the current version of the application it is not possible to perform search within the content of shapes. Searching throughout pdf files is not available.
The text in the Replace with field should not exceed 255 characters. You cannot replace numbers that are parts of a formula or partially replace numbers in two- or more digit numbers.
To find and replace the data in the current document, do the following: 1.Call the Find and replace pane in one of the following ways: •On the Sidebar, click •On the Edit menu, select Find and replace. •Press Ctrl+F ( 2.If necessary, set the search parameters. 3.Enter the data you want to find in the Find field. 4.Enter the data you want to use to replace the search text or leave it blank to delete the text found. 5.Replace the data in one of the following ways: •Select Replace to replace the data in the selected range. •Select Replace all to replace the text in all fragments found at a time. Check the Match case when replacing box so that the fragments retain the original case when replacing.
In documents available to the user for viewing only, the replace function is not available. |