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Automatic table expansion
  • Create a table
  • Open the table settings pane
  • Table customization
  • Automatic table expansion
  • Add a calculated column
  • Select the type of calculation in the total row
  • Convert a table to a regular range
  • Delete a table
Application: Table Home Edition

Table is automatically expanded when you enter data into adjacent cells in the column to the right of the table. If the table does not have a row of totals, auto-expansion is also performed when entering data into adjacent cells located in the row following the last row of the table.

You can enter data in the following ways:


If you enter a formula in an adjacent column, that column becomes a calculated one.

From the clipboard. The automatic expansion is performed if data is inserted into adjacent cells to the right/bottom of the table or inserted into both the table and adjacent cells at the same time.

By means of cell autofill, when one or more cells of the table are selected as a reference cell.

Automatic expansion is performed if:

The auto-expansion area does not contain any data.

The inserted data does not overlap with another table.

When pasting into adjacent cells, the range pasted from the clipboard does not extend outside the bottom or right border of the table.

The current version of the application does not support the automatic expansion of tables when autofilling cells if a table cell with a structured reference is selected as a reference cell.
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Table customization
Add a calculated column