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Application: Table Home Edition

Enter data in a cell

To enter or change data in a cell, follow these steps:

1.Switch to editing mode using one of the following methods:

Select an empty cell.

Double-click the cell you want to edit.

Select the cell you want to edit and go to the Formula bar.

2.Enter the required data in the cell.

3.Save the entered data in one of the following ways:

Press Enter.

Click fx_accept_icon on the right side of the Formula bar.

Select another cell on the spreadsheet.

Use a dot "." as a delimiter for numbers.

To cancel changes made during editing, do one of the following:

Click fx_reject_icon on the right side of the Formula bar.

Press Esc.

Automatically adjust cell width

When you enter a number in a cell, the width of this cell is automatically adjusted to fit the number.

Cells width is not adjusted in the following cases:

The width of the column containing the cell has been previously changed manually.

The cell format is Text.

Text is entered into the cell.

Floating cell

The floating cell appears when you edit a cell and move through the current sheet of the spreadsheet. The cell displays the current data in the cell you were editing, so it is convenient to use when navigating through a large amount of data in the document.

Autofill cells

MyOffice Spreadsheet allows to automatically fill the adjacent cells with data. A single cell as well as a range of cells can be selected as a sample for filling.

If one cell with a text or numeric value is selected as the sample range, its contents are copied to subsequent cells when it is autofilled.

If a cell with a function is selected as the sample range, then subsequent cells are filled with data sequences calculated using this function. The values are automatically recalculated if the data in the argument cells changes.

If a range of cells is selected as the sample range, subsequent cells are filled according to the rules described below.

The cells to be filled will have the same format as the sample range.

To apply autofill, follow these steps:

1.Enter the desired data in one or more adjacent cells.

2.Select the cells.

3.Move the mouse cursor over the corner handle of the selected cell so that the cursor looks like hand.

4.Drag the corner autofill handle over the range of cells that you want to fill in. You can drag the corner autofill handle either vertically or horizontally.

If the range of cells to be filled exceeds the workspace boundaries, the workspace expands automatically.

Autofill cells with sequences with arithmetic progression

You can fill in cells with arithmetic sequences. In this type of sequence, the difference between the previous two values is added to each successive value. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4...

To autofill cells, follow these steps:

1.Enter the first 2 range values in the adjacent cells to define the sample.

2.Select the resulting range.

3.Move the mouse cursor over the corner handle of the selected cell so that the cursor looks like hand.

4.Drag the corner autofill handle over the range of cells that you want to fill in. You can drag the corner autofill handle either vertically or horizontally.

Autofill cells with sequences with geometric progression

You can fill in cells with geometric sequences. In this type of sequence, each successive value is multiplied by the specified denominator of the progression. For example, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2...

To autofill cells, follow these steps:

1.Enter the first 3 range values in the adjacent cells to define the sample.

2.Select the resulting range.

3.Move the mouse cursor over the corner handle of the selected cell so that the cursor looks like hand.

4.Drag the corner autofill handle over the range of cells that you want to fill in. You can drag the corner autofill handle either vertically or horizontally.

Reduce the data range

If necessary, you can quickly reduce the range of data resulting from autofill. When the range is reduced, the data in the columns on the right or the rows on the bottom is deleted.

To reduce the range, follow the steps below:

1.Select the range of cells with the data resulting from the autofill.

2.Move the mouse cursor over the corner handle of the selected cell so that the cursor looks like hand.

3.If you want to delete data in the columns on the right side of the autofill range, drag the corner handle to the left. If you want to delete data in the rows at the bottom, drag the corner handle upwards.

4.Release the left mouse button. All data will be deleted from the columns or rows excluded from the range.

Cells autofill: basics

Cells can be filled automatically if two or more cells from the sample range contain the following data:

oA series of integers, fractions, or negative numbers.

oDates or time.

oText and a number (with or without the delimiter). For example, Text 1, Text 2 or Text1, Text3, Text5.

oAbbreviated (Jan–Dec) or full month names (January–December).

oAbbreviated (Mon–Sun) or full weekdays names (Monday–Sunday).

oData validation conditions.

If the sample range contains cells of different formats, then, when autofilling a series, the cells repeat the formats and follow the sequences in the order corresponding to the sample range.

If there is a cell with text in the sample range, it will be copied when the series is autofilled, and the other cells will follow the specified sequence.

If a cell with text is located between cells in a series that have different format, the text will be copied when autofilling, and cells of different formats will follow different sequences.

If the sample range contains a merged cell, an identical merged cell is automatically created in the autofill range that continues the specified data sequence.

If a merged cell partially falls into the autofill range (also due to partial hiding), the merged cell will be split.

Cells of General and Number formats (Number, Currency, Accounting, Fraction, Percentage, Scientific) are considered as one sequence.

Date and Time are unrelated formats and are considered as separate sequences.

When autofilling dates, the sequence is calculated based on the actual calendar difference.

Text formatting of formulas and numbers

In some cases, a formula or number that is entered into a cell needs to be retained in its original form. For example, display zero characters when entering the number 00056 or specify a function without its further use. To do this, the cell with the number or function should be formatted as Text.

The formatting is applied by using a single quotation mark ('). The single quotation mark should be entered in a cell immediately before the function or number to be recognized as text. For example, '=SUM(B1;C1) or '00056.

The quotation mark is displayed:

In the formula bar, when you select a cell.

In the cell and in the formula bar, when you edit a cell.

If you want to cancel text formatting, delete the quotation mark in the cell.

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