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Resize cells
  • Expand the workspace
  • Select cell ranges
  • Resize cells
  • Merge or unmerge cells
  • Insert columns or rows
  • Select colums or rows
  • Hide or unhide a column or row
  • Resize a column or row
  • Freeze columns, rows, or area
  • Group columns or rows
  • Delete columns or rows
Application: Table Home Edition

It is possible to resize cells in one of the following ways:

By specifying the exact width and height of cells manually.

Automatically match the width and height of the cells to the content.

To resize one or more cells, follow these steps:

1.Select the cells.

2.Open the Cell Size window in one of the following ways:

In the Command menu, select Table > Cell Size.

On the Toolbar, select the Cells section and click t_sheet_cell_size Cell Size.

Right-click the selected cells and execute the context menu command Cell Size.

3.In the Cell Size window, do one of the following:

To specify the exact cell parameters, enter them in the Width and Height fields manually.

To automatically match the width and height of the cells to the content, select Adjust automatically.

4.Click ОК.

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Select cell ranges
Merge or unmerge cells