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Extension modules (plugins) are created by developers and are intended to add additional features to the spreadsheet editor. Working with extensions is described in detail in the document “MyOffice Software Development Kit (SDK). Modules of extensions for MyOffice Editors. Programmer's Guide”.

To use an extension, do the following:

1.Get an extension file with the .mox extension from the developer.

2.Install the extension.

3.Run the extension using the Command menu of MyOffice Spreadsheet.

Install an extension

The extension file can be located in any folder on your computer.

To select an extension file to install, follow these steps:

1.In the Extensions menu, select Extension manager.

2.In the Extension manager window, click Install / Install Extension.

3.In the file manager window, select the extension file.

The Install Extension window opens.

By default, MyOffice Spreadsheet only works with extensions signed with a valid certificate. Invalid extensions are blocked as they are potentially unsafe for the system.

If the selected extension is invalid, a corresponding message is displayed in the Install Extension window. To view detailed information about the error or developer certificate, click Show Details. Click Select Another to select a different extension to install.

If blocking of invalid extensions is disabled by the administrator, such extensions can be installed in the same way as valid extensions.

New Cloud Technologies Ltd. shall not be liable for any negative consequences resulting from the use of installed invalid or third-party extensions.

If the selected extension is valid, the Install Extension window displays the following message: “This extension is ready to be installed. Do you want to continue?” Click Continue.

In the License Agreement window, please read the text of the License Agreement carefully. If you agree to the terms of use of the software as set forth in this document, click Accept.

The Extension manager window will display the extension line. To view detailed information about an installed extension, click Details in its line.

Upon successful installation, the “Installed” status is displayed in the extension line. To run the extension, follow the steps described in the section below.

Run an extension

After the extension has been successfully installed, a command to run the extension is added to the Extensions command menu section.

To run the extension, in the Extensions menu, select Extension Name > Command to run the extension.

Automatic disabling of extensions

Invalid extensions are automatically disabled when you install an updated version of MyOffice desktop editors, each time you open MyOffice Spreadsheet and MyOffice Text, and within an hour after the certificate expires. You can enable such extensions manually only if the administrator has disabled the blocking of invalid extensions.

If a valid extension was disabled and is no longer valid during the current application session, when you try to enable it:

The extension is not enabled.

A dialog box opens with a detailed description of the reason why the extension cannot be enabled.

The enable button is disabled.

A brief description of the reason why the extension cannot be enabled is displayed in the extension line.

This version of the application does not validate enabled extensions when you run them.

The validity of the installed extensions is checked once per hour. The time of the last check can be seen at the bottom of the Extension manager window.

MyOffice Spreadsheet monitors the expiration dates of the certificates of installed extensions. 14 days before the expiration date, a banner will appear with a notification and information about the extension expiration. For more details, click Extension manager on the banner.

Enable or disable the extension

You can manually disable and enable the installed extensions.

If the extension is enabled, the command to run the extension is displayed in the Extensions command menu section. If the extension is disabled, the command to run it is not displayed.

To disable or enable the extension, follow the steps below:

1.In the Extensions menu, select Extension manager.

2.Disable or enable the extension in one of the following ways:

In the Extension manager window, in the extension line, click Disable / Enable.

In the Extension manager window, in the extension line, click Details. In the Extension manager window that opens, click Disable / Enable.

If the extension is disabled, the (disabled) label is displayed next to its name.

Update the extension version

To update the extension, follow these steps:

1.Place the file of the new version of the extension in any folder on your computer.

2.Install the new version.

If the update is successful, the “Updated” status will be displayed in the extension line.

Remove an extension

To remove an extension, follow these steps:

1.In the Extensions menu, select Extension manager.

2.Remove the extension in one of the following ways:

In the Extension manager window, in the required extension line, click the delete_plugin button.

In the Extension manager window, in the extension line, click Details. In the Extension manager window that opens, click the delete_plugin button.

3.In the dialog box with the message “Are you sure you want to remove this extension?” click OK.

The command to run this extension will be deleted from the Extensions command menu.

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