presentationDesktop version

In MyOffice Presentation, you can open one or multiple presentations. Each presentation will be opened in a new window. By default, a presentation is opened in the Full Screen mode.

You can open a presentation file in the following ways:

Use the file manager.

Use the welcome window.

Use the main window.

Open a file in the file manager

To open a file in MyOffice Presentation in the file manager window, select the presentation file you want to open and double-click it. The presentation will open in the main application window.

Open a file from the welcome window

When you launch MyOffice Presentation, a welcome window appears on your screen. To open a presentation:

1.In the welcome window, click Open.

2.In the file manager, select the presentation you want to open and click Open.

Your presentation will open in the main window of MyOffice Presentation.

Open a file from the main window

To open a new presentation at the same time with another presentation, follow these steps:

1.Click the open_button Open button on the Toolbar or press Ctrl+O.

2.In the file manager, select the file you want to open and click Open.

Your presentation will open in a new window.

File opening errors

MyOffice Presentation supports the following file types: .pptx, .odp, .ppt. The file type must correspond to its extension. Otherwise, you'll see an error message when opening a file.

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