Fields are objects that act as placeholders for dynamic (changing) information in a document.
In the current version of the application, you can create fields of the following type:
•CreateDate (Document creation date)
•Date (Current date)
•FileName (Document name and path)
•SaveDate (Last save date)
•Time (Current time)
You can work with fields in .docx, .odt and .xodt documents. Interoperability of the fields listed in the list above between MyOffice Text and Word, LibreOffice Writer applications is supported.
The following features are not currently supported:
•Working with fields that are not included in the list above. If a document contains unsupported fields created in a third-party editor, a dialog box with a list of unsupported fields that will be converted to text or deleted is displayed when you open the document.
•Inserting fields from third-party editors. A copied field or text with a field is pasted without field properties.
•View the field code in the document text (available only in the Field customization window).
•Selecting a part of the field.
•Changing the content of a field manually.
•Different formatting of text within one field. If such a field is created in a third-party editor, the formatting of its first character is applied to all text in the field.
•Support for fields in macros and comments. If a field in a comment is created in a third-party editor, it will be converted to text.
You cannot insert a field into: •Another field •An image, a chart •Shape or table cell if it is not in edit mode •A comment When inserting fields, please note the following specifics: •The set of available date formats is determined by the preferred interface language of the operating system. •If the document has never been saved, the SaveDate field (Last save date) displays No Date and the FileName field (Document name and path) remains blank. •The CreateDate (Document creation date) and SaveDate (Last save date) fields, when working in the Cloud, display a value of No Date •The FileName field (Document name and path) displays only the file name when working in the Cloud, even if the Add a file path to the name checkbox is selected. To run the field insertion command, follow these steps: 1.Place the cursor in the place of the document where you want to insert the field. 2.Do one of the following: •In the Insert menu, select Fields. •On the Toolbar, in the Insert section, click The Field window opens, which is intended for configuring field parameters. If you know the field code, enter it in the Code box. The parameters that match the code will be automatically selected. Click OK. If you want to customize the field settings manually, use the simple tools of the Field window or open the Field Options window, where the field switches are displayed. To configure the field parameters using the simple tools of the Field window, follow these steps: 1.In the Field window, in the Field Type area, select the type of field to insert. 2.If the CreateDate (Document creation date), SaveDate (Last save date), or Time (Current time) field type is selected, select the date/time display format in the Date Format area. 3.If the Date (Current date) field type is selected, then: •If you want to insert a date in the non-updated current date format (dd.MM.yyyy), select the Use last selected format checkbox. •If you want to insert the date in a different format, in the Date Format area, select the date display format. 4.If the FileName (Document name and path) field type is selected, then: •In the Name Format area, select the format for displaying the file path/file name. •If you want to display <file path><file name><extension> in the field, select the Add a file path to the document to the name checkbox. By default, the field displays only <file name><extension>. 5.The Code box will automatically generate a field code with the specified parameters. Click OK. The Preserve formatting during field updates checkbox in the current version of the application does not affect field settings.
To configure field settings using the Field Options window, follow the steps below: 1.In the Field window, in the Field Type area, select the type of field to insert. 2.Click Field options. 3.In the Field Options window that opens, in the Format area, select the data display format. 4.In the Switches area, select the checkboxes next to the switches you want to add to the field code. The code of the field with the specified parameters is automatically generated in the Code box. The value of the field is displayed in the Result area.
5.To save the specified parameters and close the Field Options window, click OK. 6.In the Field window, click OK. The field will be added to the specified place in the document. You can select a field only as a whole. You cannot select, edit, or format individual characters. The formatting of the fields is similar to the formatting of the text. |
The content of fields is updated automatically when you open a document, send it to print and save it as a PDF. To update one or more fields manually, follow these steps: 1.Specify the fields to be updated: •To update one field, select that field or the text that contains that field. •To update multiple fields, select the text that contains these fields. •To update all fields in the document, in the Edit menu, choose Select All. Or press 2.Refresh the table in one of the following ways: •Right-click the selected field or text to open the context menu and run the Update Field / Update Fields command. •Press F9. |
To edit a field, follow the steps below: 1.Select the field by left-clicking. 2.Right-click the field to open the context menu and run the Edit Field command. 3.In the Field window, edit the required parameters and click OK. |
Converting a field to text involves removing the Field object and placing the content in its place as plain text. To convert one or more fields to text, follow these steps: 1.Specify the fields to be converted: •To convert a single field, select that field or the text that contains that field. •To convert multiple fields, select the text that contains these fields. •To convert all fields in the document, in the Edit menu, choose Select All. Or press 2.Run the conversion command in one of the following ways: •Right-click the selected field or text to open the context menu and run the Convert into Text command. •Press |
To delete a field, use one of the following methods: •Select the field by clicking the mouse and press Delete. •Place the cursor before the field / after the field and select it by pressing |