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Tables are a range of cells that constitute a single object with its own name, internal structure (areas) and formatting style.

Tables have a unique name within the document (by default, Table1, Table2, and so forth) and consist of the following areas:

Header row

Data area

Total row

The table name, column and area names are used in structured references.

When working with a table, you can perform the following operations:

Edit column names. Column names are automatically updated in the structured references of the table. If the name you enter already exists in the table, a sequence number will be automatically added to it, for example, the name “Date” will become “Date1”.

Insert rows and columns between the existing rows and columns (but not at the end of the table).

Copy tables within one document or from document to document, provided that both documents are open in MyOffice Spreadsheet. The copied table is automatically assigned a unique name. In all structured references, the name of the original table is automatically replaced with the name of the copied table.

Quickly customize the order of sorting and filtering of values in columns using automatically created filters in column headers.

Customize the table. Choose a design style from those available in the collection, include or exclude table areas.

Expand the range of the table by adding new data to adjacent cells.

Select the type of calculation in the total row.

Convert a table to a regular range of data.

You can create a pivot table only on the current sheet of the document if the sheet is not protected from changes and in Edit mode only.

When you select a cell range for a table, it is recommended that you consider the following constraints:

The selected range cannot overlap with another table or pivot table.

There should be at least one empty row between the selected range and the closest table, pivot table, merged cell, or other range containing filters.

The selected range should not contain any cells with filters, unless they are cells in the first row of the range.

If the first row of a range has filters, that range should not intersect or be part of another range with filters.

To create a table, follow these steps:

1.Select the cell or range of cells you want to convert to a table.

2.Open the Create Table dialog box in one of the following ways:

In the Insert menu, select Table.

On the Toolbar, in the Insert section, click t_insert_smart_table Table.

On the Toolbar, in the Insert section, click t_more. In the insertion pane that appears, click t_insert_smart_table Pivot Table.

Press Ctrl+T.

Select Table in Quick Actions box.

3.If necessary, edit the range in the Value Source field. To do this, enter the address in the field directly or, by clicking select_cells Select Values, select the desired cells in the document. If you make an error when entering, follow the on-screen prompts.

4.If necessary, edit the table name in the Name field.

The table name should be unique to the document, contain no spaces, and begin only with the letter or characters “_” or “\”. You cannot change the name once the table has been created.

5.Clear the Include headers in the table check box if you do not want the cells in the first row of the selected range to be converted to table headers. If you clear the check box, a new row will be created with automatically generated header names.

6.Click OK.

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Open the table settings pane